Thursday, September 27, 2012

ABC's Week 3 - 'C'

So once again I need to apologize for not getting this out on the correct day. I had to work yesterday (which I don't normally have to) and didn't get home till 6. After feeding the wee ones, and getting them to bed, I had to crash myself.

Today is going to be the letter C, I decided to try something that I had seen before (also tried to use the color that I already had on my nails). I also wanted to utilize my new dotting tools (you would have known about them, but I never got my nail mail post done... would it be to late to post it?).

So I decided to do CIRCLES for my C mani. Unfortunately it didn't come out as good as I wanted because the lighter color was the one that was already on my nails, when it should have been the darker color (I will re-try it at some point, the correct way)... so you could decide for my C mani to be CIRCLE, CIRCLE, DOT, DOT... as it looks more like polka dots...

Anyways with out further ado, here is my C mani!

Colors used:
Base & Light Dot Color: "Dulce De Leche" by OPI
Dark Dot Color: "Nirvana" by Sinful Colors

Saturday, September 22, 2012

ABC's Week 2 - 'B'

First of all I know this was supposed to be done on Wednesday, but I was unexpectedly held out of town all week, and was unable to post this. So I would like to apologize for the lateness of this post, but I was supposed to be home on Tuesday and I didn't get home till the end of the week.

So this is one of those challenges that I feel like I cheated a little. For my B mani I chose to do a BROKEN mani. The reason that I say I cheated, is that I used a crackle glaze to achieve this look. Since I had been out of town, and not able to do my mani, I figured this would be quick and easy. I do love this mani, and have actually done it before just to ware (I don't think I have posted it on here before).

So I hope you forgive me for being SOOOO late on this post, and I also hope that you like it!

Colors used:
Base Color: "Mod Squad" by Essie
Top Color: "Haute Metal" by China Glaze (crackle glaze)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

ABC's Week 1 - 'A'

Before this challenge started, the creator of the challenge was fabulous and put out a list of what letter was on which day, and also had some ideas listed for each letter. For me this is super helpful as sometimes (and I blame this on lack of IQ from kids) I just can not think of creative things without help.

Often what I do is think of an idea, and then do a search on the Internet for examples. Sometimes I feel like this is cheating, but I don't copy what I see, it just helps me come up with what I will do. And that is just what I did this time. I started out by seeing the idea of Abstract on the master list, and did a search of that.

So for my first mani of this challenge, I decided to do an ABSTRACT design using a polish that also started with A: ATHENS.  Well this is what I came up with, hope you like it, I sure do. I think this one came out Great! Simple but nice.

Colors used:
Base Color: "Mademoiselle" by Essie
Tip Color: "Athens" by Sinful Colors
Stamp Color: "French White Creme" by Wet n Wild (wild shine)
Image Plate: "RA-116" by Red Angel

The ABC's of Nail Polish

As I mentioned in my last post, I would soon be starting two new nail art challenges. The first of which starts today and is called (if you can't tell by the title) The ABC's of Nail Polish, this challenge is being hosted by Llama Nails.

This challenge will be posted every Wednesday, each week will be a different letter as we make our way through the alphabet, and will run for 26 weeks, as there are only 26 letters in the alphabet (makes sense right?).

This is going to be a fun challenge as the only rule and guide is that the mani you do some how needs to deal with the letter of the week. For example the technique, the name of the nail polish, the design, or picture, need to start with that letter. I know this probably seems confusing, but hopefully, as the challenge goes on you will understand.

I am super excited about this challenge, since it really brings out every one's creativity, and their own interpretations. You could end up with anything for each day, so looking forward to seeing everyone elses mani's

Anyways, my next post will be the first of many to come for this challenge. See you soon!

Monday, September 10, 2012

It's Been Over A Week... Time For A Mani!

Ok, so sad to say that it has been just over a week since my last mani.

I have to admit that when I reached my last day of the 31 day challenge I just finished, it was kind of nice to not have to do my nails for a few days. I had a nice mani for the last day, so I chose to enjoy it. Well that lead to me just not bothering as I was spending all last week heavily cleaning my house. So this past weekend I went to my in-laws house, and decided it was time to do a new mani.

Later this week I will be starting a new challenge, and come October another. Both of these are once a week so that is only two mani's a week I have to do (sounds a lot more reasonable than doing one every day). I am excited to start these new challenges, and very happy that they will not be as intense as this last one. I will go into more details to each challenge on the first day of each one.

Anyways, here is the result of this ever so long awaited next mani, now time to think of a new one. There is a thin light blue sparkly base, that you can't really tell is there in the pictures, but it is pretty. Enjoy!

Colors used:
Background: "Cinderella" by Sinful Colors
Stamp Color: "White On" by Sally Hansen (xtreme wear)
Image Plate: "BM-312" by Bundle Monster