Friday, August 24, 2012

Day 24 - Inspired By A Book

What book would make a good mani? I had no idea, so I was reading to my kids and we read the "Grouchy Ladybug". I have seen ladybug manis before and they were super cute, so that is what I chose to do today. I think this turned out super cute, (and sorry for the uncleaned cuticles, but they were done in a rush again... hopefully one day I will have more time to do my manis), and once again my 4 yr old wanted one too. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Colors used:
Red: "Big Apple Red Creme" by NYC
Black: "Ebony Hates Chris" by Wet n Wild (fastdry)
White: "Hip Hip Hue-Ray!" by Finger Paints

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